TFBM – something short and sweet, much like us.
We’re misses not misters, we’re not all that grumpy, and our ninja skills are lacking… but we’ve managed to sneak in the door and score ourselves this little spot on MNG inc. It’s quite a nice spot, a bit of redecorating and we could call it home!
We’re damn near exactly what our title suggests really. We are 3ft (that’s our combined height), all still have moments of being blonde and we’re 100% MAFIA… minus about 99.9%! Funnily enough MGN himself named us, and we’re still not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse, as we get our fair amount of hate amongst the love!
Loryn A.K.A LILLOZ – Blonde! Lover of laughing, coffee, cars and bows! Beats, Datsuns, Hi Tops and Guess, hitting the wake and the word YO! An appreciation held for all things low and loud; with clean lines and simplicity being key!
Christy A.K.A LILMDM –Lover of heels, handbags, V with chocolate, chocolate without V, tattoo art, coordinating, connotations, bows, boarding, and cars – generic, I know (always polished, never chromed).
Alasha A.K.A…umm…ALASHA (that is my plate!) – Lover of all things pretty yet tough, from bows and diamonds to Americano Steel; coffee and shopping to wakeboarding and hanging at the beach; handbags and lip gloss to mud puddles; anything on trend to things totally unique…
We’re not really sure what we’re bringing to MGN, but it’s bound to be fun sized… just like us!
*Image C/- Adam Croy