Hori-ing and Dori-ing, its a way of life for Nate Steel and Zero Fighters
It’s often said that the true heart of drifting lies not in the high profile competition events, but at grass roots level where there is no glory other than a high five from your mates, a cold beer after a day skidding and the personal satisfaction in knowing you held your line and angle for that fraction longer with an extra kmh of speed.
I had the chance to sit down with a guy who along with his crew is trying to keep that spirit alive,
Ladies and Gents…this is HoriDori!
Firstly sir, who are you and what is Hori Dori?
Name: Nate Steel aka N8tive, Age: 29 and 14 months… (wait…this isn’t for police 10-7 ay?)
Occupation: Sales Rep for TDM ltd, 09 525 38 56 - For all your heavy transport needs (mgn- part time quality control for wongs kitchen)
Hori Dori specifically is a day put together for anyone and everyone, to come along and learn how to drift in a safe, secure team environment.
Who is involved?
Zero Fighter is a local car club with whom I’ve been associated with for a few years , they are the main people responsible for bringing Hori Dori into the public arena.
We have a branch called the Hori Dori Committee made up of Zero Fighter old heads like Greer Vessy aka “The Don” and Tama “ Don’t mess with me” Walker both of whom which will be stepping up to Pro Am in the near future, look out for them. We also have a feminine touch there too with Elizabeth “like a bawse” Steven’s who is our secretary and Tamas better half Kristina “No Frills” Firth who both help with behind the scenes drama’s that no one likes doing, but those girls they never complain they just get on with it.
Just recently we inducted a new member Todd “Keto” Curtis who brings with him plenty of track experience, knowledge and a side of crazy angle. You’ve probably seen/heard/dribbled on his SR powered Corolla wagon at various track days, leaving a long trail of white smoke where ever he goes. He’s competing in Pro Am this season.
What’s the idea behind HoriDori days?
The idea was that we felt the club needed start doing our own track days in order for our members to progress and gain valuable track/seat time at a reasonable and affordable price.
It’s kind of evolved into an amateur grass roots day that seems to be really popular with everyone that attends, General public included.
You’ve got an event coming up soon? (event has since taken place)
Yes we do, we’ve booked the skid pan at Hampton Downs on Saturday Dec 3 for our last event of the year conveniently named Hori Dori Drift-Mas. We have a full register at the moment of 20 cars. We are encouraging public to attend for a gold coin donation to help promote Movember of which I am a registered participant http://www.movember.com/m/1912552 .
We are also hoping to unveil our own Missile on this day which should be enjoyable. So come along and enjoy our pre Christmas festivities.
You’ve been drifting a few years, but I understand you stepped back this year from competing this season?
Yeah I’ve been quite selective in choosing what rounds I wanted to compete at for the past 2 seasons in Rookie/ProAm. Last year I only did Taupo and Mt Smart but the fun factor was on the red line as I enjoyed both rounds immensely . This year my S14 will attack Mt Smart again for a cameo appearance just because I had so much fun the last time, and I love those outside clipping points on the concrete walls.
This year I’m crewing for 2 other guys in the Pro Am, Todd Curtis and Sam Legae who were both present at round 1 at Manfeild but both cars were having issues on the day. Todd was driving my S14 due to his car having mechanical issues ,you may have seen it ….on the grass somewhere lol.
You were rocking some pretty low power when competing in D1NZ from what I understand?
It’s no secret that before my 1st ever event I got the car dynoed at a whopping 139kwatw by Spilman Autmotive- Onehunga for a laugh.. I was still learning the ropes back then, and the fact that the car wasn’t a fire breathing, ethanol hungry race weapon didn’t phase me. I was there to soak up all the information I could, and learn from all the other guys with what I already had. I’ve been really fortunate not to have as many mechanical issues as most others, as the engine was internally stock with a 3” exhaust and an EBC. The words “drive it like you stole it,” are still echoing from one Matt “Chucky” Jackson from back in 08. Lol.
When the engine finally let go at Manfeild Round 1 , it was a spiritual experience removing my engine for the 1st time since I had installed it back in 2006. I feel it won’t be the last time we see this little SR as I have a new car in the build and it would be a shame not to use it…SR86 FTW!!!
I know you went to drift school, how did you find that?
You’re never too old to learn, that’s what I believe anyway. I’ve done a few D2NZ days before so I semi knew what to expect. Justin Rood, Fanga Dan, Gaz Whiter, and Sam G are all guys I look up to and respect as they’ve been there from the start , so having them go over the finer points was a real bonus. Also knowing that they’ve walked the path I am heading down gives me great confidence my driving skill is heading in the right direction. I’d like to maybe incorporate 1 or all of them into a Hori Dori event sometime in the future if we could. Put that on the wish list.
How would you make drifting more accessible for young guys and girls coming through?
You just have to get involved, in some way shape or form. You don’t need a car right away. You can start by marshalling or crewing for someone else. I attended over 20 track days and D1NZ events back in the day as a spectator long before I started driving because I was just a huge fan of drifting in general. But from a drivers perspective, get yourself a cheap hack, RWD of course, lock the diff up, and get out there and find out for yourself. You’ll never really understand it until your actually out there giving it a go. Warning: It gets very addictive, very fast.
Lastly Who does HD need to thank for support?
We would like to thank Nisbits Takanini, mazbits Takanini, DT Komposites, Wongs Kitchen, Fenix Radiators,Vortex racewear,Zero Fighter.co.nz
All of our crew/volunteers commitee members. All the good people that come to our events rain or shine.
Keep drifting FUN!
In case you were wondering…nate thought maybe sixdeep would give him an extra t shirt if there were 2 rear shots of his car with their logo
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