101 ways to be grumpy like a ninja
So I was just looking at my dashboard, and it tells me that MGN has racked up 100 posts! So what I can see you all saying and to be fair you have a valid point, but as I tried to explain to someone when I first started doing this , I do this for me and if you like it well then that’s cool, and if you don’t well ya’ll know where the big X is on your screen.
Its been a fun ride so far, and I’ve really enjoyed putting things together for you, so here are some of what I think are highlights of the first 100 posts in MGN history.
I’d really like to say thank you to everyone who’s been a part of this so far….. and we’re only just over 6 months old so who know’s where this could go.
If your new to this, click the highlighted bits, they are links to the various stories
Guess we best start with my first ever post, a review of Brad Lord’s ‘G-force’ magazine. I’m the first to admit, it wasn’t great and it did take me a while to work out that most of you have limited attention spans, and need more than 1 picture in an article
I learnt my lesson and wrote my first drift related article with Gunfight, a pre-view of last seasons D1NZ grand final which seemed to go down well .
Things carried on for a while and then I did the first article that I really enjoyed and which was Adam Croys 12 rounds interview. For me that interview was amazing simply due to Adam’s candid honesty and sharing a part of himself that many would never ever experience, and I truly appreciated Adam being so open. All his photos are in the gallery as we had a technical fault that to this day I can’t work out.
Along the way there, some jerks stopped in for a chat to.Just after the Jerks, I learnt a valuable lesson……BOOBS = HITS!!! as I had the pleasure of chatting with the very talented and frantically busy Michaiah Simmons who shared an insight into her life and for a long time had the record for the most article hits. Go figure….dudes on the net looking for hot girls..
About this time we had our first massive technical failure, when CTO Cooper performed an upgrade the somehow deleted all the photos held on the site. Fortunately Dave is a good bastard and hosts MGNINC, so we let him off with a stern warning and rationed baking for a little while.
We then went through a period of female intensive interviews with Kat Benson, Rach Byrne, Singer Genievieve and the little ninja joining me.
Before we entered the legends era with the likes of Falgs Patel, Todd Wylie, Grant from Gt and an article that to this day continue to rank at the highest end, the great man and sneaker fiend himself Frank Liew
This was also when the world time attack started to sneak up on me, and I had the pleasure of doing an interview with Young South Auckland drifter Niko Reid for Juiced mag
David Fan and Lance Hastie wandered through to give us a bit more eye candy and take part in the life of a lensman series ,and to again prove that girls = hitsThen we got to World Time Attack and some guys named Whiddett, Woolhouse, Templeman, Armstrong, Whittaker and Whiter domintated things for a fair while … I had a go at creating video and its fair to say this was not a strong point.
Drift dominated that month, with the godfather Justin Rood, Mad Mikes crew chief Ian ” cromey” Sheppard , the ladies of drift and Drift film specialists SBPnz joining me that month for chats
September was a quiet month with paid work taking precendence, but featured the likes of the debut of D1NZ tv, the Castrol Dcorp driver training day, and Mr Osiris – Erron Soon. The drag racers wives also offered their perspectiveOctober turned out to be a huge month where I ended up covering Curt Whittakers debut in r18 colours, Cole Armstrongs new 4 door, and Niko Rieds new s15 in its final state. Curt and Cole both had over 1000 views in a 24 hour period showing how intense interest in both cars was. South Island car royalty turned professional teaser Bonita Muntz also stopped by
And here we are in November at the start of the summer season, so I anticipate bringing you plenty more Drift, Drag, Speedway and other general rubbish.
Just cause it my be of interest…..In no particular order… the most popular posts are
- Frank liew
- Cole Armstong- Both the recovery and new car
- Curt Whittaker- new team colours
- Michaiah Simmons
- Andre Simon
- Taryn Croucher
- Ian Sheppard
- Life of a drifters wife
So, Here’s a huge thank you to Sarah & Anna Sare, David Cooper, Gray Lynskey, Brent Lucas, Mark Curran, Simon Anderson, Driftcorp, Kat Benson, Ants Wong, Chloe “spell check” Sellers, Erron Soon, SBPnz and anyone else who’s been part of , contributed or just supported MGN so far.
We’re far from done….